Thursday, December 29, 2011

Well Christmas this year was at the Hebdons. We had a BLAST! Skyler, Lisa, Michael, and Tawnee were all visiting this year so the house was pretty dang full. We had so much fun playing games and talking with everyone that we stayed up past midnight almost every single night. Two of the nights we stayed up so late that Thomas and I didn't even want to think about moving the kids home, so we ended up making a bed on the floor. Turns out the floor is pretty comfortable when your running on two hours of sleep haha. Akleigh and Auger both did really well with all the inconsistency. They both slept well and have been mostly cheerful. Auger got WAY too many toys lol, he loved every second of opening gifts. . . and Akleigh slept through most of it of course. There was no snow, but we did have a load of really amazing food, thanks Elaine :) Anyways, now everything is settling down and i finally remembered to take some pics of something, so here are the pictures from the last four months. . . in no particular order

"babiators" for christmas, mustache still from halloween
christmas presents

I just thought this was really cool looking. . Thomas walking to work in the fog, and yes poor thomas has to walk to work many a morning because we sold his truck and the jetta and now we just have a chevy traverse. . . not really a work truck but great for our family right now.
again with the mustache . . .
auger helped Erin and I make this tutu for a friend but then was pretty sad when we finished because he wanted to keep it
Auger LOVES his little sister
Okay so this was the Halloween costume . . . can you guess????
He was Albert Einstein, and I will admit i was pretty proud of it because when we went trunk or treating at least five people knew exactly who he was supposed to be!! He looked better when his mustache wasn't smudged off.
This is Akleigh's blessing day, thankfully she slept through the blessing

This is the tutu that aunt Erin made her

Bday cars from JoLyn and Rick

Thomas got all his harvesting done before Christmas this year so that was nice. Because of that, they were able to do some custom work for some neighbors. His semi broke down for a bit but he almost has it fixed now. Like i said before, we bought a new car and we love it.
Auger is talking in sentances now, knows all his colors, can count to ten, and loves anything that has to do with dad, grandpa, rick, or baby akleigh. still notpotty trained but he does sleep in a twin bed now. he is off the charts in weight and height so it looks like we got a linebacker!
Akleigh is on the other end of the scale weighing only 12 lbs right now she is in the 30%. but she is doing well, smiling a ton, sleeping pretty good and really loves her daddy and auger.